Finally fall

So, I guess its been over a year since I have started writing on this blog, so congratulations to me! Soooooooo, this is like my fifth post about fall, but that is because I LOVE fall. The colder seasons are better, and you will not change my mind. The leaves, the cold wind but warm sunshine, the pumpkins and the holidays, it’s just so awesome. So online school started, but I might have mentioned that already, I forgot. I have like nine thousand different classes, and I’m not even in high school yet. Somehow I am keeping them organized. FYI, if you couldn’t tell, this is like a “catch-up” post, I guess. My dog is so lonely because my whole family is working during the day, and no one is able to play with her. I have started playing my violin again, and the muscle memory is kicking in. My scales aren’t so perfect, but we’re getting there. The TV isn’t on as much, but that’s because we are on google meets like, all day. I recently bought another pair of fluffy pants, and I think they are my favorites. Well, that’s basically all I have to say for now. My next post will probably be a Pandemic/virtual version of my last years halloween video, so stay tuned for the next stupid video!! Enjoy your day, -CC!

Beautiful Colors

I have written poems in the past, and Its something I really like to do, so I am going to do another one, in the same format. Here is “Beautiful Colors”, a poem about autumn.

Beautiful Colors

The mornings have turned cold

The leaves have turned red

The winds blow a bit harder

And the blankets come out from the cabinets.


The leaves crunch under my feet

As I go for a walk with my puppy

The weather is chilly, and the grass is wet

Leaving my bear toes freezing in the early morning.


The family isn’t awake yet

But I can sense that they will be soon

For today is another beautiful fall day

Filled with red, and pumpkin spice


Its time to make the transition from iced to hot tea

And to start wearing sweatshirts

And sleeping in pajama pants

And cuddling up under blankets in the early morning


The leaves blow in the breeze

As I get comfy on the couch

Snuggled with a finishing touch of a warm drink

It soothes my tired hands


The mornings are darker

Quieter and slower

The house creaks

I like the silence


The puppy whines in the crate

As I read my favorite book

And listen to calming music

Waiting, for the others to come down


The house is dark

Of course, with the exception of

my reading lamp

propped up by my head.


My favorite time of year is finally here


Family time

The cold, chilly weather.


I sit by the fire place

that doesn’t work

yet somehow still brings me warmth.


The family is awake now

My dad is making pumpkin pancakes

My mom is reading

And we are all enjoying each other.


Its finally that time of year

Where you can wear a sweatshirt

And jeans, and blankets

And you can sit on the couch in a blanket.


Autumn is finally here

and I can just sit and watch it happen

I can enjoy all the nature,

and I can embrace all of the beautiful colors.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you like my poems you can ask for more in the comments, or continue scrolling down to find the one I wrote in December of last year! Thanks for reading today, and enjoy this beautiful time of year. Bye!



Quarantined and crazy

Oh gosh- I don’t even know where to start. I guess I will start with, hi!! I feel like it’s been forever since I have posted, and that’s fine! I have been taking some self time and i realized that posting every week is a bit much for me to handle, so I might just have a random post schedule, but I will try to keep ya’ll updated through everything. Well, I guess a big thing that happened is that I officially go to a new school. I am excited to make the switch to eight grade, though working at home is sometimes painful for all of us. Just remember to stay focused, and enjoy these next few days of summer while you can. You can do it, I promise. I know this didn’t really catch you up on anything, I just wanted to let you all know that I am active again so anybody who reads this who actually cares, I will be updating again, so stay tuned! Bye and enjoy your life, love yall and stay safe!!!  😉 (Idk why used that title, but I am now realizing that it has nothing to do with the post, but whatever!!) Also, I am going to change the name of the blog because I feel like something has changed within me (wow that sounds kind of cheesy ;)) and I just think that a new name will suit this blog better so, you are never going to read Paint Wars again. Welcome to The Daily CC!!

Just some questions, to get your brain working!!

Hi guys!! I hope that you are excited that I am finally posting again. I am excited to be back, and I want to try and follow a more weekly schedule for my posts, so I am going to put it in my calendar, and try to get back to y’all every week. This week, and I am putting in a series of questions, and I want you to answer one or two in comments. Please put the original question, and your answer in the comment, so I know which one you are talking about. Here are the questions!

Have you ever thought that you would be in a history book?

Where do you see yourself as an adult?

If you could be famous for one thing, what would you be famous for?

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

What is your main phobia?

Who is the luckiest person you know?

What is something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?

What is the most selfish thing that you do that you’re okay with?

What food do you have a love-hate relationship with?

Have you ever had a drop the mic moment?

What is the thing you are proudest of in life?

If you had the choice, would you have siblings to be an only child?

If you could save ten people from COVID-19, what ten people would you save?

What is the most recent did-you-know fact that you learned?

What are foods that you used to like but now you hate?

What’s the best thing that can happen after the first five minutes of waking up?

What is your best achievement?
What is your favorite memory?

If you could only buy ten items at the grocery story to last the next week, what would you buy?

And that’s that! I hope you enjoyed this weeks post, and please answer some of these questions in the comments. I hope you all are safe and healthy in quarantine, and I hope that you stay safe throughout all of it. Do a zoom, or a google meet with your friends, and stay connected. Please do something that lets you get outside, and enjoy your time off. Don’t slack on school, but give yourself breaks. Love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Thanks for reading and please follow! I want to grow my blog into something that more and more people can read, and not just students!)

What I have been up to!!

Welcome or welcome back to Paint Wars!! I hope y’all have been doing well!! (lol I have lived in the “country” for too long already!!) How is everyone in quarantine? I know that everyone is super duper bored, so I am going give you a list of some things to do in quarantine!! I hope you guys are doing okay, and I hope you stay safe and healthy!

  1. Read/do school work- I have been caught up in a tangled mess of all my classes recently. It does take up a lot of time, but it is necessary because you shouldn’t ignore your teachers!! If you need help organizing your school work and dividing up your time evenly, check out this website to help keep you focused! (Yes, it is for students in law school, but it has some helpful tips!)
  2. Draw/do art- I have been doing a lot of just random doodling, and drawing recently. It helps relieve my stress of everything that is happening and helps relieve the pressure of all my school work. (And plus, sometimes it actually turns out good!!
  3. Bake/cook-I have also been helping cook the dinners and making desserts and stuff. It’s really fun and it gives a nice break from my work.In fact, just this morning I made homemade whipped cream and it was really good! I will link the recipe here!! It is super easy to make and delicious! You can also add additional flavors or colors for taste, or just to make it look good!
  4. Play outside!-In my backyard, we recently started a garden! Now, I know wherever you live, you might not have this much land, but even just sitting out in the front yard is a good relaxer! As of right now, I am actually writing this from my back porch, while my siblings are running around in the yard!
  5. Sleep- I have been doing a lot of sleeping, and resting! I have been sleeping until like 10:00 every morning!! It does mess up my day a little bit, because I can’t get as much school work done, but if you use the above link, you can manage everything!
  6. Do puzzles!-I recently started a puzzle with 1000 pieces, and I am still working on it, but it is lots of fun!! No matter how big, a puzzle is a good time filler, and we all know that during this pandemic, we have lots of time on our hands.
  7. Learn to play an instrument!-Are you that family that has the piano in there living room that no one plays? Well you can look up a Youtube video, and teach yourself how to play!! You can impress lots of people, just by playing a few simple keys! I also did this recently, and my family was very impressed!!
  8. Learn a new language!- You can download Duolingo, and you can learn most languages!! I am currently learning Italian and Hawaiian!! It’s super fun and easy to learn, so you should try it out!
  9. Watch lots of movies!- I have been watching lots of movies that I never knew existed, and they were really good! Some of my favorite movies are School of Rock, Frozen 2, and many more! Lots of exciting movies are available on Disney Plus, Hulu, and Netflix, so go check it out!
  10. Put on a soap opera, mute the sound, and create your own dialogue!!- I know it sounds crazy, but it is actually hilarious!! This idea came from USA today- 100 things to do while stuck inside!!  You can also read through and find lots of other fun things to do while you are stuck at home!!


Thank you all for reading, and I hope you are all healthy and happy! come back next week for another update!! Love you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Please follow my blog! I want to grow it, and have a blog that more and more people can read, and not just students!! ❤️ If you think others will like it, recommend it to them!! Thanks for all your help!)


Welcome back to all!

Hello everyone reading this!!! As you probably know, I am CC, the creator of Paint Wars. Comment down below if you have been waiting for an update from me about everything that has happened!! Remember, if you have a blog, leave a link so I can check it out!!

As you may know, my family and I recently moved from Sterling to Purcellville. I was dreading switching schools, and having to make new friends. I had so many friends in Sterling and I didn’t want to have to go to a different school. I will be honest with you though, I was excited for the new house. It is a lot bigger than the old one, and it has so much more land.

As I stated above, I didn’t want to start a new school and have to make new friends. Luckily for me, (and also unluckily for everyone in the entire world), I didn’t have to. While I was upset that I had to miss my last days at RBMS, I was incredibly happy that I didn’t have to start just yet at the new school. Due to the rising danger of the COVID-19 virus, our schools are closed for a very long time.

COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving threat to our community. COVID-19 is serious, and has somewhat taken over the world. I’m sure if you have Tiktok, you have been getting the COVID-19 tiktoks. (I have) If you think you might have the virus, get yourself checked out!!! Not to worry anyone, just stay cautious. A couple weeks ago, COVID-19 was no big deal. However, now it is evolving and we need to stay safe!! Keep yourself healthy!

Thanks for reading this weeks post!! I will try to keep you updated on my new life in Purcellville!!! Stay safe and enjoy your time off, and do your school work!! BYE!

Am I Moving?!

My family has lived in my house for 9 years and it has helped my family through a lot, with the location and the size of the house and just the general neighborhood and feeling of the house. A few years ago a couple things happened in our neighborhood (that I am choosing not to share because it is kind of personal) Not related to that, we felt as if we had had our house for to long, and we needed a change.

It’s such a beautiful house and I couldn’t be more thankful for anything in my life. But about six months ago, my family started talking about moving. My dad’s work was going to try and expand out west, and that meant we would have had to move to Colorado. It was scary, and I didn’t want to leave. But luckily, his work stopped thinking about it, at least for a few months. Last month, my mom started looking into more houses about thirty minutes away from here. There were a few things in the neighborhood that were exactly floating our boats, so we started looking into more houses.

We went to check out a house in the Purcellville area. It was so big and beautiful and perfect for our family. Everyone loved it, and about a few days later we submitted an offer for it. We submitted full price and sent a letter saying we were happy to work with them if they wanted a different price. The house has a name, Devonshire. Anyway, the house is 40 minutes away from here, which means a new school, new friends, and a whole new life. Today we find out if they picked our offer or not, and it’s scary because I would love to have a new house but I like some of my friends here. I am feeling so anxious about what the future holds for me in this new house.

 For the past few days, my mom has been telling the family to manifest them picking our offer for the house because we all really want it. Today is the day, and it’s so nerve racking, but I think our family is ready for this big change. I mean, there is 4.76 acres of land for a crazy family of six! It’s so perfect for us.  I really hope we are moving there, because it’s so beautiful. I am really excited and I hope everything goes well!


Edit- We got the house!!! We are going to live in purcellville!


Welcome back everyone!! Sorry, I know it has been a while. So many awesome things, (and some not so awesome things) have happened over the break. I’m glad you came back to catch up! If your new, welcome to my blog, Paintwars! I’m CC and I am in seventh grade. Welcome back to anyone who decided to check in if I had posted after I didn’t post for A MONTH. This post is just a catch up on what everyone missed out on over the break. Enjoy!!

Ok. Lets start out with where I left off. I don’t know who the heck was reading, or who the heck was praying or whatever. But I am proud to say that it worked! Me and the rest of the cast and crew put on four very successful shows of Beauty and the Beast junior last month! After that, the whole seventh grade had to turn in there english stories. After a long month of work on them, we were finally done. After that day, we got off and went on winter break!! It was so exciting! But we had a lot of work to do to prepare for Christmas in my house, as I am one of four kids.

We wrapped and prepared for Santa until the last possible moment! It was quite exhilarating on Christmas eve, and I couldn’t fall asleep! I was literally crying in bed because I couldn’t drift off. The next morning we had fun opening and exchanging presents until the french toast was ready. We all ate together and than the kids ran off to play with there new toys. Personally, I got a white hoverboard, new heeleys, and the new Diary of a Wimpy kid book. I got more, but those were the things that I really wanted.

After long days of playing and resting and taking the grandparents to the airport, it became new years eve. I swear, those two big holidays should be farther apart. It gives you no time in between!! Oh well. We started off new years eve like we start every morning, waking up and eating breakfast. Pretty usual. Then we went out, and got ingredients to make a dessert for the new years eve party we were going to. I made gluten free egg free homemade Rice Crispy Treats. They tasted really good!!

Finally, it was twenty twenty. A new year. The year of great vision. The year that I will become a teenager!! Its going to be amazing. I spent the last few days of my break just lounging and doing pretty much nothing. It was fun though. We went back to school last monday, and it was terrible. No offense to everyone, but we were all basically asleep. But then, something amazing happened! That night, the magical man name Wayde Byard called and told us that school was cancelled on Tuesday!! So I spent my Tuesday doing nothing as well. Then, that magical man called back! Wednesday school was cancelled!! So We had two extra days of break. Thanks Wayde!!

And finally, we get up to present times. Now, I have history projects due and whatnot else, and I am sitting in my parents bed writing this with almost no energy left in my body. I’m ready for the weekend!! (yes, I know we just had a two week break!)

Thanks for reading today, and I hope you enjoyed my catch up post!! Stay awesome and I will see you next week!! Bye bloggers!!

Please hope for our show!

Hello everyone! I’m not sure who is reading this, but we have a serious dilemma! Beauty and the beast junior, our school musical was scheduled for tonight. And school was cancelled. Now we don’t know if we can perform! Please send hope and lets pray to make sure that our musical can still go on! Have a happy holidays to everyone who is reading out there, and please wish for our musical to still go on! (me and the rest of the cast and crew are begging you!!) Thanks for reading, goodbye for now!

Image result for hope



Edit: I don’t know who hoped or prayer or whatnot, but I must thank you!!  We had our play and it went great!! Today we have our in-school musical, so lets hope that it goes well! Thanks for helping us change the outcome,  and thanks to you we got to do our musical! Thanks guys!


Hi everyone! Welcome to Paint Wars! Before you say anything, yes. I do know that I have already made 9 posts to welcome you. But that will not stop me. So again, welcome to Paint Wars! If you have been here already, thanks for coming back! If you are new, hi! I’m CC! I’m an average seventh grade girl who started a blog through her communications class. I like everything that a typical seventh grade girl likes, except for boys, tiktok, snapchat, instagram, any social media in general, and platform sneakers and wide legged jeans. So pretty much, I like nothing the the typical cool seventh grade girl  is into. I’m a weird introvert and I’m proud of it! Comment down below what you are like during school hours! I like dogs, lounging in bed with my phone, and playing with my sisters guinea pig. I love school, except for when I have MAP testing. That’s the only thing I have in common with other seventh grade girls. Because I’m pretty sure everyone hates MAP testing. Well, that’s pretty much it for tonight. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of Paint Wars!!