
Managing Time during Distance Learning

It can be hard to manage time during distance learning, but many students have found ways to get their work done and still have free time.  With school being online, some students are having trouble…

Gen Z Takes to the Polls this November

The 2020 Presidential Election is coming up, and Gen Z voters have more of an influence on the election results now than ever before. With several Freedom High School students turning 18 recently, they will…

COVID -19 Impacts the 20-21 School Year

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit every single corner of America. Teachers and students are working to adapt to many impacts caused by the pandemic. From the closing of in person schools, to the struggles with…

Students Struggle With Online Workload

One of the biggest complaints about online learning recently has been the workload. Many have expressed that the workload is ridiculously high compared to previous years, and students who are normally A students have been…

U.S. Students Head Back to School Differently

As with everything in 2020, the start of the school year around the country has been anything but normal.  Loudoun and Fairfax counties made the decision to begin the school year virtually, while school districts…

Do Politics Affect Friendships?

In society today, individuals live with people who have all different opinions and viewpoints, especially on politics. Political parties are a direct representation of the different ways our society is divided based on beliefs. Because…

SATs Taking on a Classic 2020 Twist

As students dive into the 2020-21 school year, upperclassmen face the pressure of completing an important step in defining their future. That’s right, it’s the start of SAT season. However, like all things in 2020,…

Making the Effort to be Mindful

With the extensive changes caused by COVID-19 academics continues to be no exception. To lessen the effects of screen time and online learning, health and physical education teacher, Sarah Verdis has created a slideshow intended…

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