
Senior Class Hosts Outdoor Movie Night

An unfortunate effect of school closures falls on the senior class as the senior milestones including; sports, homecoming/prom, pep rallies, and other final high school experiences have been tragically cancelled. However, these hard times of…

COVID-19 is Causing a Mental Health Crisis

The closure of schools around the world was set in place to keep students safe from the COVID-19 pandemic, however, this closing has opened up a new danger concerning teen mental health. Over the past…

School Clubs Go Online

Online school has caused a change in many extracurricular clubs and how they are run. Since students are not going to school, many clubs have ran meetings from home and connected with members online. Clubs…

WiFi Limiting Academic Success?

It’s no secret that online school is a trouble for lots of students and teachers who are working at home. The workload is too much, it’s hard to get actual help, there is no social…


Homecoming; a word we associate with football, dancing, school spirit, and an overall night of fun with friends. It is one of the most exciting traditional high school experiences, but one that many will not…

ABAB Schedule Starts Nov. 4

Students will be attending class on different days starting on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The AABB schedule will change to a ABAB with Tuesday and Thursday becoming A days and Wednesday and Friday moving to B…

Students Join in on Online Spirit Week

Even though Homecoming could not take place as usual this year, the Freedom SCA still included a spirit week for students to dress up and show their school spirit. The spirit days included neon day,…

Piecing Together the “Perfect” Senior Year

As the year begins, a new class of students also begin their last year at Freedom High School. Although there are setbacks due to COVID-19, the leaders such as SCA and the class officers are…

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