ABAB Schedule Starts Nov. 4

Graphic by Michael Baker III

Students will be attending class on different days starting on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The AABB schedule will change to a ABAB with Tuesday and Thursday becoming A days and Wednesday and Friday moving to B days. 

The change was made during a Loudoun County School Board meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13. The move has been met with mixed emotions. 

“I don’t know why they keep changing things up like they are already used to the AABB schedule and now they’re changing things again, like Google classroom to Schoology,” sophomore Natalie Cheu said. “I just don’t see the point in switching everything around we’re already so used to it.”

Others hope the change will bring relief to workload.

“I do not like [the AABB schedule] because you don’t have an extra day to complete your work,”  sophomore RJ Eberhart said. 

“I think it would help students,” said Sarah Turner, FHS math teacher. “And they are also used to the ABAB schedule.

Nov. 4 is also the beginning of the second quarter.

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