100 WC- April 30

Hi everyone! Today I have another 100 word challenge for you guys! I am going to be using the phrases “What goes on at Number 29?” and “Where is the gate & the rest of the fence?” in my 100 WC challenge today! I hope you enjoy!

Today was the day we’re moving into our house in Torrance, CA. As we were driving into the new neighborhood we were looking around for our house the number was 28. When we drove into our section I said “Where is the gate & the rest of the fence?” All that was there was a broken piece of fence on the house next to us. “What goes on at Number 29?” The house looked old and rusted, and nobody lived there. We decided to discover. We slowly started walking up to the house when a black cat crossed our path…

I hope you guys enjoyed my 100 WC for April 30! Don’t forget to comment your blog URL so I can check it out! Have a good day!

1 Little Word

Hello everyone! I am back with another blog post for you guys. Today I am going to be talking about my one little word. This means that this is a word I want to use as a goal and focus on. I hope you enjoy it!

My one little word is determination, because I want to always work toward my goals, whether it is completing a school assignment, or applying to college. I also picked this word because it can help when I am feeling unmotivated or sad. I’ve always used this word to motivate me to do anything which is why this is my word for 2021!

This word will inspire me for the year because I want to get all A’s, I want to complete all my homework in time, and I want to stay productive and have fun. This word is a part of my plan in achieving these goals for the year. I am going to achieve them by keeping an organized space and writing all my homework down. Having a schedule so I don’t get bored and I’m staying productive.

In order to make these goals a reality. I always make sure to have my priorities straight and ready to go. This word is so motivating for me to accomplish my goals. Determination is also a word very personal to me because I’ve been using that as my one little word forever.

In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed me talking about my one little word. Comment your one little word and how you are planning on using it. Also comment your blog URL so i can check it out!

100 Word Challenge – January 22

Hi Everyone I have another 100 word challenge post for you guys! Today we had to use this image as a prompt for our challenge. I hope you enjoy it.

I was hiking with my family, and all of a sudden, a large cloud shaded us from the sunlight and lightning flashed brighter than the sun, and with a blink of an eye, I was all alone. I looked everywhere and I was surrounded by trees. So I decided to look for my family. I started walking, and I bumped into a weird tree. It was very tall, and it was shaped like a human. So I started walking up to it, and the tree started moving. It started creeping slowly towards me, and you won’t even believe what happened…

That was my 100 word challenge for week 2! I hope you enjoyed it! Comment your blog URL so I can check it out! Have a good day!