Reflection Artwork #1

My first artwork was completed but I feel that I could’ve pushed the shadows more and I could’ve created more of an erie and “memory” feeling. It communicates the memory pretty well but I feel like I could’ve been more original. I am proud of my work but I know I’m capable of doing more. The most successful part was the father figure’s pants. I worked on them for hours and pushed my charcoal skills further than ever before.

I feel that in my next piece that I should create a more emotional and person connection to the piece instead of using one image as reference. I’m looking forward to creating more pieces this year!

One Comment

  1. Millie Reply

    I really like this piece!! I can tell you put a lot of effort into the work. My favorite parts are the layering of the color pencil that really gives the piece some depth; espically the crispness of the dress pants. You could push your shadowns and highlights (Like on the shoes or something) a little bit more. Also, If you wanted to create a more nostaligic feeling use more muted colors. The piece looks very modern but if you used more yellow, kind of like putting a filter over the piece might help achieve the tone you’re looking for. 🙂

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