blog check number one

for this year my sustained inquiry is surrounded by my perspectives of mental illness. i will be morphing the body into unusual combinations to depict certain mental illnesses. my first idea was to replicate how i feel when i am anxious and paranoid. i was very proud how it turned out and many other people also felt connected to the piece. so my goal is to be able to connect with other people.

i was inspired by oneĀ  the piecesĀ  created last year which consisted of of line pen work. it was a different way i used pen and i really enjoyed creating it. my concept was unusual and something i normally do not do which is why i wanted to go deeper into using unusual concepts.

One Reply to “blog check number one”

  1. brittany.ebhardt says: Reply

    Would be great to see images, both process and inspirational, related to how you are planning on executing this idea.

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