Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Daily CC! I’m CC, and here’s some facts to get to know me!

I live in Virginia where the weather is very unpredictable. I am thirteen years old and have three younger siblings. I have my own room but my siblings treat it like it is their own. I would say more but I guess I don’t really have to, because now you can read on below!


1. I am a HUGE dog nerd

My family has a little puppy, a maltese. I love to read articles and find out new facts daily about dogs, or any animals really. I love to be around animals, particularly cuddly puppies and small animals. Even though I don’t want to go into to working with animals, I would still love to find a way to be around them all the time.

  1. I love singing

 I consider myself to be a very good singer and I love doing it. Right now I am obsessed with singing pretty much anything I hear on the radio and I do it all the time. My parents actually tell me to go away sometimes because they don’t want to listen to me singing any longer.

3. I love to act

I will stand on any stage and act out something for you if you would like. I like doing dramatic death scenes, and doing fun little skits and excerpts from movies. I love acting by myself, or in front of people. My family is also annoyed by me acting and being loud, but I love it.

  1. I will volunteer to play midfield on any soccer team

I love to run and midfield consists of a lot of running, so it is one of my favorite positions to play. I know a lot of people think that it is too much running for them, but for me I think it is the perfect position, and the only other position I have trained for is goalie, which I played for 3 years before I transferred back to midfield.

  1. I love making crafts, all of them

I love painting and drawing, and during quarantine I have recently gotten into drawing people. They are a bit scary though! I have a bunch of my favorite paintings that I have made on my wall, and I am looking to add more soon! I love editing photos, and drawing thing as if they were in an animated movie!

  1. I love making videos

Being in front of the camera is my favorite thing. I will never be a director for a movie because while a get to boss people around, I will always end up jumping in front of the camera singing. I’m always filming myself and I don’t use a script because I love just being in front of the cameras.

  1. I’m a huge water slide person

Water slides are one of my favorite things. I have a blow up water slide at my house and even though it’s only like five feet long, I love playing around with my siblings on it. I love the super long ones at waterparks, and the ones with big drops. They actually freak me out a lot, but they are also really fun!

  1. I have three younger siblings

My younger siblings can be, a little (ok, a lot), annoying at times. They are 11, 9, and 6 years old. The 11 year old likes to spend a lot of time in her room, the 9 year old like to annoy me, and the 6 year old loves making things with legos and play doh. They are all annoying at times (and I’m not gonna lie, I annoy them too) but they are fun to play with.

  1. I love the snow (yeah that’s pretty random)

A teacher of mine once told me that once you get bored of the snow as you get older, but that is 100% not true. I will never get bored of the snow. There are so many possibilities and I don’t know how anyone could ever get bored or annoyed with that!

I have a dog, 3 fish, and a guinea pig.

Ok, so if you read this fact a long time ago, I will have to catch you up. All of the hermit crabs died, we now have three fish, a guinea pig, and a dog. My whole family loves animals, though I think if we get anymore we might go crazy! It is a lot of work taking care of all of them but in the end it’s worth it. The guinea pig is my sisters, and only one of the fish is mine, but the puppy is for everyone!


Updated February 3rd 2021, so these are all updated and very true!