BUMP! That’s all Jesse heard down the hall. BUMP! Getting louder and louder the longer it went on. BUMP! Jesse thought he had to do something, he thought he would grab something to use as a weapon and fight back against the thing in the hall. But then Jesse said to himself, “I don’t hear it anymore.” But just then something grabbed him from the dark and he woke up from his dream.
Jesse went back to sleep and had the same dream. He woke up once more and he saw his alarm clock read 12:08, that’s what his alarm said the first time he woke up. He thought his clock was just broken and he would have to get a new one. But just then, he heard it a huge crash down the hall. He thought it was his roommate doing something so he decided to go check out what it was.
Upon entering his roommate’s room he smelled a foul odor, Jesse thought it was just the way his roommate smelled, but he also saw a small creature jump onto his roommate’s bed. He ran over to see what it was, and he screamed. His roommate’s dead body was lying on the bed covered in rats. “That’s what the smell was!” Jesse exclaimed. Jesse looked at his roommate’s alarm clock, and it read 12:08. “There’s no way that…” But Jesse was interrupted by his roommate coming in his room to wake him up from his dream.
Jesse’s roommate had said that Jesse was screaming in his sleep. Jesse’s roommate’s name was Mark. Mark looked at Jesse’s clock, it read 12:08, Jesse exclaimed, “ we need to leave, now!” Mark said “why,’’ Jesse responded with, “there’s something wrong with this house.”
Mark said “you’re crazy,” but ultimately agreed to leave the house. Once they were outside and getting in Jesse’s car, Mark stabbed Jesse and he woke up once again.
It made no sense, why would Mark kill his best friend? Jesse had to think hard, but in the end he just came up with stopping Mark from killing him. Jesse didn’t know if he was dreaming or not the whole time, he thought that maybe it was like Groundhog Day and he kept waking up until he stopped Mark from killing him. So he decided to keep an eye on Mark, just in case he wasn’t dreaming and Mark was really going to kill him. During the day, Mark stayed in his room, and at night Mark was going out clubbing with his other friends while Jesse was “sleeping.” So Jesse decided to follow Mark to the club and see if Mark would talk to his friends about it. Sure enough Mark did and Jesse was there to see it, but Mark saw Jesse and decided he would kill him now. Jesse did stop Mark by knocking him out with a beer bottle and taking Mark to the police station. Jesse showed the cops the video of Mark telling his friends at the bar about it, and Mark was arrested.
To Be Continued…