Quarter 3 Time…


Now that quarter 2 is over, it is time for quarter 3 to begin. We must now do new goals for reading in quarter 3. Why must we do this, because it is important to set a standard for you to reach and overcome. Also because we had to do it. Are we happy, maybe, but it has to happen.

For my quarter 3 goal, I chose something called investigation of lexile levels. What that meant was I had to do a book at my lexile level, above it and below it. I also had to do this blog post, it has to be 3 paragraphs. There were 10 goals in total. Most people chose goal 1 or 5, don’t know why.

I have another blog post coming this week, it is a surprise though so I won’t tell you. It has something related to a recent movie though so pay attention to the similarities. The next coming weeks will be big for blog posts so watch out for those.



Stalker Mode: ACTIVATE!!!


I watched some people at lunch for 15 mins. I saw every move they made, every word they said, and everything they did. I watched my friends Cody and Stuie at lunch. Full Stalker. I watched them because they wouldn’t care and they were my friends. I literally was just sitting at the table eating lunch across from them and watching them talk. Stuie kept getting up to get something else for his lunch. Cody kept on asking me why I was looking at them with great intent. I told him “no reason.” So they found out about me.

They also asked me why I was sitting across from them and not next to them. When Stuie got up for the 3rd time, I told Cody it was for a class and he told me “ok” and I told him not to tell Stuie and he didn’t. So after lunch we walked down the hall and Cody got into an argument with Nathan over a video game that they played. It’s annoying just seeing people break out into an argument over nothing.




John Adams (not Quincy)


John Adams was born on October 30, 1735, and died on July 4th, 1826. He was 90, 90! That’s really old, especially for the time he was alive. People typically died around age 40, and he lived to be 90! His life as an adult was crazy, but also amazing at the same time. He was the 2nd president of the United States and a member of the first continental congress, he also was a founding father, and an amazing lawyer. He was the crazy man who risked his and his family’s safety to defend the british soldiers after the Boston Massacre. He even helped Thomas Jefferson draft the Declaration of Independence. He died on the day that America was set free from England. (40 years after though)

John Adams was a very smart man who was very important to the American people and their cause. He helped a lot with the Revolution and split from England, even though he didn’t want to.

That’s what people do, they change for the greater good, like villains in superhero movies.(except John Adams was a good man) There is so much more I could tell you, but I’m going to let you go out on your own and find out about that.