Now that quarter 2 is over, it is time for quarter 3 to begin. We must now do new goals for reading in quarter 3. Why must we do this, because it is important to set a standard for you to reach and overcome. Also because we had to do it. Are we happy, maybe, but it has to happen.
For my quarter 3 goal, I chose something called investigation of lexile levels. What that meant was I had to do a book at my lexile level, above it and below it. I also had to do this blog post, it has to be 3 paragraphs. There were 10 goals in total. Most people chose goal 1 or 5, don’t know why.
I have another blog post coming this week, it is a surprise though so I won’t tell you. It has something related to a recent movie though so pay attention to the similarities. The next coming weeks will be big for blog posts so watch out for those.