Quote Of The Year…

 “If Cinderella’s Shoe Fit Perfectly, Why Did It Fall Off? Anonymous User, 2016


I thought this was really funny when I saw it while i was searching for quotes to write about.

I think the answer is that in the Brothers Grimm version there are three balls on successive nights. Cinders runs away at midnight on each occasion and the prince follows but fails to find her. On the third night he has the staircase smeared with pitch to slow down his mystery girl and her shoe sticks to the pitch and comes off.



I got that from a website https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2013/jan/09/why-cinderella-lost-her-slipper


I still don’t think it makes much sense that it immediately went on, but still came off at the ball.

That is my thoughts on the Cinderella slipper…



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