Thirteen Reasons Why : Season 2

The first season of Thirteen Reasons Why came out last year during our spring break and left a remarkable effect on people all over the world. This show is about a girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes of why she committed suicide to the people who affected her life and made her so miserable. It leaves a huge emotional impact on you on really makes you think about your actions. The new season was just released on Netflix and there has been a lot of controversy with the violent scenes they added into the show. The show in my eyes left a bad message at the end of season 2 because they basically inferred that nothing gets better and that the people who hurt you will always be let off easily. I thought the first season was clearly about suicide awareness but the second season was pretty messed up in my eyes. They show a lot of obscene scenes that should not be allowed on Netflix. Overall i find the show very interesting but in my eyes it glorifies things that are terrible for a lot of people going through them. I would recommend this show to people who are not suicidal or going through any harsh life moments.

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