
John Champe Clubs

John Champe High School’s yearly club fair was held last week, and now it is time for their first meetings to invite their new and returning members for the 2019-2020 school year.   There are…

2 Wins Against Potomac Falls.

This Wednesday, the John Champe volleyball teams played against Potomac Falls. While all teams did well, only Freshman and Varsity won their games. The Freshman team beat Potomac in 2 sets, and Varsity beat their…

John Champe Library Newsletter

The John Champe library sent their September newsletter this week highlighting some new books they are recommending to students, and some new resources and activities that the library is introducing this year. The library is…

Football Season Is Here

The NFL season has begun. The first game is on Thursday, September 5th and features the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears. Football is very important and many Americans can’t wait for the season…

Parking Passes

  Parking passes are one of the many things students must take care of at the start of this new school year. Parking passes are the only way to be parked on school property, stadium…

New Additions

This year at JCHS, there are many new additions to the athletic department.  Sports like cross country, baseball, girls and boys basketball, wrestling, softball, swim, girls lacrosse, and both girls and boys soccer have received…

Hit or Miss – E-hall Passes

Many students at John Champe High School are furious about the new e-hall passes that are new for the 2019 school year. Some students feel like they are under pressure while in the halls because…

John Champe Field Hockey

John Champe’s Varsity Field Hockey team kicked off their 2019 season last night at Stone Bridge High School playing their rival Freedom High School. For the past three weeks, the team has been preparing for their…

Knight Time and Recharge

The 2019-2020 John Champe schedule has changed this year to make time for high school students to participate in important Knight time lessons and have break times during their school day to recharge. The new…

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