
SAT Answers: Made in China

SAT tests are administered in Virginia nearly every month, throughout the year. As students, we are familiar with CollegeBoard and individually preparing ourselves for the 180 minute test; we utilize our resources such as Khan…

National Dog Day

People came together worldwide to celebrate National Dog Day on Sunday, August 26. Everyone can say they adore their furry friends and love having a day to celebrate them. Social media was filled with photos…

Senator John McCain Dies

America lost a great senator on Saturday night. John McCain lost his battle with brain cancer after announcing he was stopping treatment. His family announced on Friday that he was stopping his treatment after being…

Football Round One

Last Friday marked the first of many “Friday night lights,” sadly ending in a tragic loss for Champe. Even with the loss, students felt it was a great way to come together and kick off…

First Day Frenzy

  Half-asleep students stepped off of bright yellow school buses on the 23rd and were immediately greeted by the thunderous, yet melodic, band as they serenaded them into the school year. “We have hundreds of…

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