Trump Walks Out of Meeting with Kim Without A Deal

Photo Credit: New York Times

US President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un met in Vietnam on Wednesday and Thursday this week, meeting for the first time since June of last year. The historic meeting was planned to conclude with a deal to further improve the relationship between the two states, until President Trump announced no such deal would be signed, although one had been prepared.

“I’ve been saying very much from the beginning that speed is not that important to me,” President Trump explained. “Speed is not important to me. What is important is that we do the right deal.”

Photo Credit: New York Times

According to those who were in the meeting, Kim Jong Un asked economic sanctions America imposes on North Korea be lifted once and for all, citing his plans to dismantle his key nuclear facility as proof North Korea deserves such reward.

“We were not asking for all of the sanctions to be lifted,” North Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Lee Yong-ho told reporters the next day, “but just five of the sanctions UN passed from 2016 to 2017 that greatly disturb the economy and living of our people.”

President Trump, however, was not satisfied.

“The United States, however, continued to insist that one more action is needed from our side, in addition to disassembling the Yongbyon nuclear facility, in order for the sanctions to be lifted,” Lee said. “It was clear that the Americans were not ready to accept our proposal.”

While the news of the two leaders’ failure to reach an agreement has left many shocked, President Trump claimed the hope was still alive for next time.

“I think frankly we’ll be good friends with chairman Kim and North Korea,” President Trump said in his post-summit press conference, “and I think they have tremendous potential. I’ve been telling everybody they have tremendous potential, unbelievable potential, and we’re going to see.”

1 Comment on "Trump Walks Out of Meeting with Kim Without A Deal"

  1. Hopefully, the peace talks don’t end here!

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