Thoughts Regarding The Book

The book was quite decently written, and although the writing wasn’t necessarily enthralling in its technical application or word choice, the communication of rather impactful scenes and the contrasts of his true thoughts regarding them was quite effective. His illustrations of what’s his thoughts with actions rather than words, and furthermore the careful selectionnof certain scenes that serve double use to contrast his later experiences and more actively convey the nuances of how they thought of certain situations ( such as the public execution system he witnessed, and which ones he chose to share and present in their order ) was also well done.


Putting aside the technical ability, the story and his experiences are very detailed, yet succinct, allowing both a quick read but also a very powerful, emotionally impactful read. The book, I imagine, would this be quite accessible to even those not particularly inclined to literature. As such, I would have to say this book is great, and sets to do exactly what it hopes to do, conveys was it wishes to, and wraps it tightly in a emotional, gripping, true story. Indeed, a very good book for truly any audience.


Brief Summary of the End

Following the death of his father, he follows on his own path, unaware entirely of the fate of the rest of his family, until the breakout and the allied forces showing up. They were showered with food and gifts by the soldiers, where he ate and ate, and subsequently grew sick ( as many did in fact ). He spent a few days back in the care of a doctor, where he then recovered.

An Examination Location And Survivability

Across many different places in Europe, this was perhaps one of the safest places actually for this family to be; Hungary

Across the world, anti-Semitic sentiment protruded itself onto all reams of society, in Africa, in Asia, but particularly so in Europe, were nearly all the major powers disregarding the Allies participated in someway in this tragedy. One of the word places in Europe would be Eastern Europe, particularly in the Soviet Union, where to appease Ribbentrop, Stalin had thousands of Jews purged and shot within his eastern territories, even many upper members of the party, much of them Jews in fact, where purged.


Of course, they would be targeted later by it sides again over the course of the eastern front. The best place thus to find yourself then was actually in the Balkan, in places such as Hungary, Bulgaria, and Greece, where these governments held on to their autonomy and weren’t entirely under Nazi control, and thus only meekly on occasion capitulated to their “tributes” demanded by Hitler, meanwhile many were able to evade capture, escape, or for many, would be glad to find themselves the first to be liberated by approaching Soviet forces, who raced to cut through the region.

The family in Night thus find themselves in what is in fact one of the best countries they could’ve been in to avoid capture.

An Analysis Of Geography – Night

Throughout the book, the geography of where they are taken place to place is only loosely mentioned. So perhaps this will more succinctly place their exact path in words. From what we know the journey starts in North Transylvania, a former region of Romania before Germany acted as the mediator which enforced Hungary’s partition of these territories. This move turned out the best quite helpful to the family there as following Bulgaria’s and the USSR’s similar incursions , the Romanian government would turn fascist, abdicate their King, and ally themselves with the Axis.

Following this, the Germans enter the capitol of Hungary, Budapest, following the collapse of Admiral Horthy’s government. They are taken then to Auschwitz, near what used to be called Reichsprotektorate Böhmen, modern day Czechoslovakia.

All of these to bring them away from the advancing Soviet front, with their final destination near Saarland, where the allies this time are the ones to liberate them following German retreat in the area.


Are there any details I missed? Feel free to discuss this!