Final blog

It makes me so proud that the children have come up with their own plan to go to new York and fix their lives! The dad keeps discouraging them but they know not to listen to him and not to give up. From believing in themselves they get through their troubles which is really inspiring. This book was really good. It kept my attention through out it and I kept finding myself wondering what’ll happen next. I’m really disappointed that this is a memoir and that everything that happened, actually happened in real life, but I’m glad Jeannete still told us her story.

Third blog

The children are clearly done with the parents shenanigans. You can tell that the older sister and younger brother both back talk the mom and dad often. I’m glad they are seeing what horrible parents they are, especially the dad. It seemed like Jeannette was really hopeful for the dad and supported him with his crazy inventions that he kept promising to make or that were almost done. Now she is pretty clearly done with him as well.

Second blog

After reading this far into the book it’s clear that there’s a lot of problems with the parents. They are clearly smart in many ways but still seem to not be able to or maybe even not want to really fix the condition they and their kids are living in. I can’t help but feel deeply sorry for the children for having to deal with the parents not acting like adults.

The dad and his crazyness

The dad has shown that he can’t control his drunkenness and that he is incapable of taking care of his family through holding a job. He tries to say he is working on breakthroughs with different projects but from what we can tell he is just making excuses to get money to drink and cheat on his wife. What have you all noticed about the father?