The Open Minded Mother

The mother in Glass Castle is really an interesting character; The way she see’s the world is unique and different from other regular people point of views. Her husband and her seem not to be on the same page most of the time. In the book, it looks like she depends on him for living since she ran from home. In her young days there was a lot of strictness going on in her house. She’s a care free woman who doesn’t like the normal teachings and prefers for her kids to learn on their own.

2 thoughts on “The Open Minded Mother

  1. I feel like on one hand her carefree, live life to the fullest attitude is inspiring, but on the other it’s damaging her family. How carefree can someone get before it hurts themself, or even others? She doesn’t stand up for herself, and tends to go with the flow but i feel like it’s all an excuse for her to not try hard for a better life.

  2. I believe that yes, her parents are both a little off or crazy you might even say, but they are different types of “crazy.” Rex Walls is truly a genius and it is sad to see that he throws all of it away because of his alcohol dependence. He mistreats his family and they have to suffer when they easily could not. The mother on the other hand, I think she has a mental illness of some sorts. You can tell simply by the way she thinks, acts, and the things that she says that something is not right with her. Whether it was just the way she grew up as a child or if it is something mentally, she mistreats her family to an extreme.

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