Alphabet Aerobics(its actually a song)

This is my A-Z post! The randomest things about me: I absolutely love using Bitmoji for my character! I change the outfit of my character every now and then to make it match my outfit that I’m wearing for the day. Did you know that I sewed little Dementors for my birthday party this year? It’s going to be grand! I am planning to invite 20 of my friends because my stepmom didn’t allow me to invite more since I have too much friends! My birthday party is going to be the best thing ever! At least, the best birthday party that I will ever have. Every year, my birthday party is themed differently and it’s kind of a tradition for my family. My birthday party this year is going to be Harry Potter themed since I am a huge Potterhead! I am also inviting people to dress up as a Hogwarts student or as a character (if they want to) for my birthday party! 

Since it is sort of a costume party, I am going to dress up as Hermione Granger for it. My sister is going as Harry Potter since she has short hair and she is going to dye it black. Also, my brother is going to go as Ronald Weasley since he has orange hair and blue eyes. He is perfect for the role. I usually dress up as Hermione Granger each year since I feel connected with her and we are so much alike. Here’s something else about me. I desperately wanted to audition for Belle this year in Beauty and The Beast but I didn’t have the time to audition and stay after school for rehearsals. I feel like I would connect with Belle too since she is a huge bookworm like me. I just feel like I would be perfect for her role, although she wears dresses and I don’t. 

Fact about me: I don’t wear dresses unless it’s a special occasion, same goes with makeup unless it’s stage makeup. Many people do not like school that much, but I happen to be what my sister would call, a “goody-two-shoes”, since I am so jubilant for school each year! I usually get good grades and I love all my classes (except for the fact P.E is my least favorite)! I absolutely love reading and learning new curriculum each year, I just love absorbing knowledge! This is why some people think I’m weird, because I like to learn and I actually enjoy school. 

I love music, I already told you this fact but now here’s another one. I will practically listen to anything and I happen to be a world champion in memorizing lyrics in only a few days after listening to it. I already mentioned this but I am really loud in school, but I don’t need to be quiet to get good grades.

This reminds me of something my Civics teacher said. “You write just as much as you talk.” I don’t remember her exact words, but it was close to that. We had been working on the quiz for Fundamental Principals. I believe, but I don’t remember exactly, and we were doing it on paper copies. There were short answer questions and I answered them with a lot of words, so my teacher had pointed it out to me. She knew I talked a lot since I’m really loud and she can hear me from across the room and so she mentioned how my writing amount is exactly the same amount of words I speak. That cracked me up, I knew it was true too, so I couldn’t argue against it. That is something weird but unique about me. In fact, for all I know, my other teachers could possibly(*cough*) be annoyed at the volume of my voice during class(especially drama). 

Storytime! There was a time where I was mistaken for a boy and honestly, I get it. I was somewhere around, I don’t remember exactly, but I was young. I went to a school that required uniforms at that time. The uniform consisted of khaki shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Now, before I forget to mention, I had short hair, like a boy cut. We had come out of school and we had gone to eat, so we went to a pizza place nearby. We walked in, ordered our food, and sat in the booth, waiting for the food to arrive. 

I suddenly needed to use the bathroom, so I got up from the booth and walked to the girls’ restroom. Before I had fully entered the bathroom, I heard a boy say something behind me. I turned around and heard faintly, “Mom, look at that boy. He’s entering the girls’ bathroom!” I saw a little boy, around the age I was at the time. He and his mother were in the booth next to ours and he was pointing straight at me and telling his mother about me. He honestly thought I was a guy. This happened years ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. When I think about it now, it cracks me up, I realized that I have a neutral face, I can look like a girl or a boy.

Thanks for reading this (weird)A-Z post! Don’t forget to check out my classmates’ spectacular blogs, my classmates are very xenodochial! Yeah I think I’m done, zero more letters to go! 

dRaWiNg AdDiCt OuT~


7 Thoughts.

  1. Hello, my dear friends Nads,
    I loved your A2Z, very interesting! I like how much you wrote, I can’t even write that much in one go. I could see that you could do it, since I was in many of your classes in 6th grade. I have one last thing to say, how much time did this take you?!
    If you want to checkout my blog, click below ↓

    • UwU hi Risad. It’s not Nads, thank you very much.-_-
      I’m glad you liked it! All you have to do to write that much is just type the first thing that comes to mind and put it in detail. Then, you just look for the words that start with the letters of the alphabet. It’s simple. This post didn’t take that long since I was just throwing what was in my mind onto it. I would say it took about 6-9 minutes or so….

      -Nadia, not Nads.

  2. Hello, my dear friend Nads,
    I loved your A2Z, very interesting! I like how much you wrote, I can’t even write that much in one go. I could see that you could do it, since I was in many of your classes in 6th grade. I have one last thing to say, how much time did this take you?!
    If you want to checkout my blog, click below ↓

  3. Hi Nadia, my name is Molly! It stinks that you can’t audition for Belle. I’m not a huge fan of school, not sure why. You mentioned you like books a lot, who is your favorite author? I’m personally a huge fan of Stephen King! Please check out my blog when you get the chance! Thanks!

    • Hello Molly!

      Thanks for the sincere comment! It does seem like a lot of people don’t like school, which is totally normal. I am such a huge bookworm, I am not even sure I can choose a favorite author! I must admit I haven’t read any pieces by Stephen King, but I am hoping to go to the library at some point and check some out! I usually don’t like horror, but the thing is, is that I don’t like seeing horror, but I definitely like reading it! I can’t wait to read your blog!


  4. Nadia-

    I love reading your blog…so glad you have this wide-open space for all your thoughts, explorations, and ramblings. I am so impressed that you’ve taken up sewing. I did, too, for a little while. My foray into the seamstress world culminated with me making custom flags to hang from my Richmond, Virginia, home. Nowadays, these kinds of flags are sold everywhere cheaply, so I started buying them instead of spending hours sewing them. Mine were better, naturally!

    Like you, I’ve also been mistaken for a boy…at about age 11, I think. I had short hair, braces, no makeup whatsoever, and I was wearing boys’ jeans (the only ones that fit me then), Converse, and my archery team jacket. My mom and I were sitting in the orthodontist’s office waiting to be called in, and my mom was talking nonstop about me to the lady next to her. She was acting like any proud momma bear should…announcing all my noteworthy accomplishments to the lady sitting next to her. The woman turned to me, put her hand on my knee, and said, “Well, it looks like you have a fine son here, too.” Picture me slumping down in my chair about to burst into tears. Yikes.

    So you know, I turned out fine. 🙂 HA HA

    So glad you have a space to express yourself! I love blogging with students. 🙂

    See you in English-
    Mrs. Rombach

  5. Hello Mrs. Rombach!
    I am making this while you are talking in class about the Sunset project. I am glad you like my blog so much! I checked out your All about Me and I absolutely love it! It does seem kind of weird on how we were mistaken for boys. I still find it pretty funny when it happens. The most recent time I was mistaken for a boy was last year in Art. A classmate of mine was looking at me from a few feet beside me. I was looking down, doing my work, and my classmate was confused because she thought I was a guy. I looked up and she was surprised. She told me that she had mistaken me for a guy and I just replied with “It’s fine, I get that a lot.”
    Thanks for reading my post,

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