Paris in the Rain

Hello everybody and welcome back to Current Faves! This week, I’m all about Lauv. I first started listening to Lauv in the summer, but only one of his songs, “I Like Me Better”. I decided to listen to all of his music since I liked one so much and I became obsessed with him. Lauv has an unexplainable way to make me smile. His music makes me long for a love I never had and cry for a heartache I never felt. His latest single, “Paris in the Rain”, reminds me of a great love that I haven’t experience. The song features a crescendo of allure as it continues to get better and better. This song will make you want to hop on the earliest flight to Paris and walk through the streets in the rain while listening to this masterpiece.

You can also listen to the song right in the browser right below.If you want more new music to listen to follow my Current Faves playlist on Spotify, the playlist is underneath the song.

#lauv #music #new #pop