The coconut is still a coconut. It is still brown and the bark is peeling. I don’t know if the outside of the coconut is called bark but that’s what I am calling it. Jack’s dad keeps making fun of the poor coconut. The coconut can’t help being lame! The coconut is just boring and average. It hasn’t changed. I kind of want to smash the coconut and see what it’s insides look like. I wonder if a real coconut actually smells like my coconut shampoo.
I like how you compared the outside of the coconut to bark and I think that is what its called by the way. I really think you should’ve given the coconut a chance though. I like how you changed tones from a bored tone to a questioning tone. I can confirm that it does smell like coconut shampoo considering mine leaked all over my kitchen.
I can tell that you and your coconut aren’t getting along that well. You said “The coconut is just boring and average.” I can relate to your tone because I was feeling the same with my organic fruit; however, you ended up humoring the coconut. You wondered about the inside of it and you didn’t hesitate to write it an annoyed type of way. Still you remain curious about it.
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Jack’s comment answered the question I had about the coconut shampoo. I wonder why Jack’s coconut leaked. Puppies sometimes leak in a new environment. Maybe the coconut hadn’t adjusted? Anyway, you move well from the bark to the boredom and the questions. You get this description-leads-to-self-conscious-writing-thing. So fun to read.