2:48 PM
I am stopping the timeline because I am going to crest wolf lodge. We just got in the car and I am going to write this post in updates. Sorry I didn’t tell you. I am watching Star Wars VI. I feel sick so I am going to end this part here.
4:13 PM
I am so bored. I have had nothing to do and I have ANOTHER stuffy nose. FUN FACT: 1/8th of my ENTIRE LIFE I have had a stuffy nose. I honestly am going to grow up and spend my whole life finding a cure to stuffy noses. I am surrounded by chips because my siblings treat me like a trash can.
5:09 PM
I think that stuffy noses are the reason of WWI and WWII. We are only half way there and the terrain looks exactly the same as it did at 4:13. I swear, all I can do right now is eat or sleep. I want to teleport strait to the room and cut off my nose and glue on a better one. Then I will go down every water slide, and do every magic quest instead of sitting in a sickening car. See you at around 6 o’clock.
5:47 PM
I saw Great Wolf Lodge out my window and we still have half an hour! Why couldn’t they just build a road over there to save half an hour! At least the terrain changed. And I just saw it again! I guess I will see you… wait we’re here? Already? Oh whell, I’m here, and there is no downside to video games!