Category Archives: Communications

100 Word Challenge – May 28

  Hello lively listeners! This week’s 100 word challenge prompt was a picture of a tower on a cliff above an ocean. I hope you enjoy!   I stared at the browned, faded picture. What was this? I turned the card around to see some scribbles. Amara’s Peak, 15° 24’17”W, 30°  12’4”E Were those… coordinates? … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – May 28

100 Word Challenge – May 14

  Hi lively listeners! Another week, another 100-word challenge! This week, our prompt was the 5 words; Oar, Rule, Mushroom, Wistful, and Wrinkled. The extra challenge this week was to write in the style of a news report. I hope you enjoy!    “I’m Mary Mushroom, and you’re watching Mysteria News, Channel 4. We start our … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – May 14

100 Word Challenge – May 7

  Hi lively listeners! For this week’s challenge, our prompt was the phrase “…suddenly, darkness enveloped the room…” The book series I mention is a real series and now a show on Netflix! I highly recommend it, and I hope you enjoy!   ‘Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. Alina spread her arms wide, and thrust … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – May 7

100 Word Challenge – April 30

  Hello lively listeners! For this week’s 100 word challenge, our prompt was the a picture of an old fence with a number 29 on it. I wrote mine the style of an inner monologue. I hope you enjoy! 26…27…28…29! 29, right? Ugh! I had to be at the right spot. This was important! Screw … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – April 30

100 Word Challenge – April 23

  Hello lively listeners! For this week’s 100 word challenge, we had to use the phrase “…as it let out a pitiful howl.” I hope you enjoy!   I let in a deep breath as I wandered around the silent, snowy forest, awestruck by the beauty of the white-capped trees and hills.  But the silence … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – April 23

100 Word Challenge – March 26

  Amelia was so interested in Jacob, the new student from Britain, that she could not stop asking questions.  “Are you really from Britain? Did you live in London? What kinds of food do you eat? Do you like Marmite? I’ve heard it’s really gross. I can’t imagine anyone-” “No,” he replied,  “I like Marmite.” … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – March 26

100 Word Challenge – March 12

  I despise breakout rooms. None of us had our cameras on, of course, so it was just our icons – a purple music note, an orange kite, etc. No one had their mics on either. It was your standard, awkward, breakout room. Then, maybe because they were sick of the silence, or they just … Continue reading 100 Word Challenge – March 12