The legend of the living tree was the creepiest tale I’ve ever heard.
The story says that long ago, a lumberjack was searching for a flawless tree to chop. When he found a suitable tree, he started to swing and whack the tree’s trunk with his axe. But little did he know this tree was alive. When the lumberjack was halfway through the trunk, the tree’s branches grabbed the lumberjack and pulled him towards the mangled trunk. The lumberjacks’ body was consumed by the mossy bark, and the conifer took the shape of the man, waiting for its next victim.
Well done Angelina, you’ve done a great job with the prompt. I really enjoyed your story and like how you turned in into a myth or legend type story.
You have used some great adjectives too, very well done.
Ms Brennock
Team 100 w/c
Ahh! This is so good. It’s creepy, suspenseful, and detailed, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I would absolutely read an entire book about this story.