100 Word Challenge – May 7


Hi lively listeners! For this week’s challenge, our prompt was the phrase “…suddenly, darkness enveloped the room…” The book series I mention is a real series and now a show on Netflix! I highly recommend it, and I hope you enjoy!


Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. Alina spread her arms wide, and thrust her light forward at the Darkling. He summoned even more shadows, and-’

“Omg, omg. Come on Alina, blast him! Save Mal!”

I couldn’t believe I was in the last book of Shadow and Bone. I was on the edge of my seat, I couldn’t read fast enough!

But, my excitement was interrupted by a voice. 

“Angelina? Angelina! Put that book down and come help with dinner!” 

I sighed and slowly put my marker between the pages.

Alina and the Darkling will have to wait until after dinner.


Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to comment what you thought, or what you would’ve written! This is Angelina signing off!

One thought on “100 Word Challenge – May 7

  1. Angelina –

    As always, you’ve crafted an instantly engaging microstory that pulls us into your magical world. This is the perfect companion piece for your Borrowed Inspiration Poetry video, which was delightful. You ought to ask Mrs. Huesz about recording voice-overs for books. Wouldn’t that be an incredible experience…to occupy the fictional life of a character…to use your voice to act out the various scenes that enthrall you. 🙂 Thanks for always, without exception, deliver superior work. 🙂 You’re a rockstar! – Mrs. Rombach

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