100 Word Challenge – April 23


Hello lively listeners! For this week’s 100 word challenge, we had to use the phrase “…as it let out a pitiful howl.” I hope you enjoy!


I let in a deep breath as I wandered around the silent, snowy forest, awestruck by the beauty of the white-capped trees and hills. 

But the silence was broken by a hoo

I turned around and looked for the source of the noise and stumbled upon a small, grey, lump of feathers. I crept up to the small animal, and its face turned toward me as it let out a pitiful howl. 

It was an owl! I gently cradled the small bird, examining its damaged wing. I jogged back to my home, prepared to nurture the owl back to health.


Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to comment what you thought, or what you would’ve written! This is Angelina signing off!

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