
Explore the Business World by Joining DECA

Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is providing a platform for students to travel and network while participating in competitions. To join the club, being in a marketing class is a prerequisite. DECA advisor and…

Calming public speaking fears

High School is a place where individuals are able to express themselves, and to do that they need to know how to speak confidently in public. Multiple students stand in front of the classroom, flashcards…

Struggling to manage stress?

By Camille Desjardins  Despite their different grades, levels of intelligence or lifestyles, stress can happen to any high school student. “[Stress] affects [the students’] mood, it affects the way they eat, the way they socialize…

Clubs in the Real World

By Arnav Kumar Freedom offers a wide range of clubs and extracurriculars, giving each one of its 2,000 students the chance to participate in an activity that he or she is passionate about it. Students…

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