Articles by Mika Dang

More Academic Exposure for New Jobs?

As a student, it took me a long time to realize that my hobbies were actual jobs that I could possibly have in the future. I had my eyes set on a science or technology…

Screen Time Skyrockets after Lockdown

Screen time across the globe had inevitably increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the lockdown period. Technology giants and researchers—such as EyeSafe—noted spikes in screen time numbers, some observing screen times as high as…

“Nevernight” by Jay Kristoff: Book Review

Although “Nevernight” starts with a relatively stomach-churning fact to enlighten the unaware (I’m sure I could’ve lived a while longer without knowing that people excreted feces when they passed away), the book in itself had…

LCPS Sends a Sincere Apology to the Black Community

On Sept. 25, 2020, the Loudoun County School Board, the Administration of Loudoun County Public Schools, and the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors issued an apology to the black community of Loudoun County for the…

Extended Summer Creates Unique Opportunities

With all the time Freedom students had over the summer, everyone seems to have been up to something new, whether it be finding a new hobby or achieving a goal. Some students had improved on…

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