Welcome back, Eagles!

COming back to schoolThe Welcome Back Eagles sign greeted students on their return to school. Photo by Michael Baker III.

After a year of empty classrooms, hallways, and cafeterias, Loudoun County students were welcomed back to two days a week on-site learning Wednesday, March 3.

For some, it was a return to familiar hallways and classrooms, while the freshman were finally able to experience their first day of high school. But, the atmosphere has changed, and students are adjusting to the new normal.

“I knew it wasn’t going to be like school before the virus, and am a little disappointed with having to stay 8-foot away during lunch,” said sophomore Caleb Fink.  “But other than that, it is what I thought it would be.”

Freedom High School has the most high school students returning for hybrid. Students were divided into two groups with approximately 400 students coming in on each day.

Students seem to have their preference when it comes to distance learning vs hybrid. 

“I feel like hybrid is a little bit easier because I can ask my teachers for help In person and they can explain it better, and I also like how I’m less distracted,” said sophomore Becca Mullen. 

“Online is easier, because you aren’t being watched and your are in your home,” Fink said.

On March 17, it was announced by the Loudoun County Public Schools Interim Superintendent, Scott Ziegler, that students would return to four days a week starting April 20.

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