Black Student Association holds Open Mic Night

The open mic night was on February 22nd. Picture from the BSA instagram.

The black student association held an open mic night to honor Black History Month. 

The open mic night was held on Feb. 22, with John Champe High School and Riverside High School. There were approximately 17 performers.

“The goal [of the open mic night] was to provide a creative outlet for students to honor Black History Month with their talents,” said Samantha Jenkins, senior and the president of the black student association. “We had around 16 to 17 performers and several student leaders, sponsors and staff helping behind the scene.”

The idea for the open mic night came after Jenkins and her mom talked about what they could do for black history month during the pandemic. They came up with having an open mic night that would take place online, and include anyone who wanted to participate. Some other clubs, like the South Asian Student Association and the Freedom Dance Team also participated.

A recording of the show is one the Freedom High School website for people who had missed the performance. The BSA is hoping to hold another one in the future, and maybe make the open mic night a tradition.

You can watch the open mic night if you missed it here: Open Mic Night Link

About the Author

Pratha Ravani
Pratha Ravani is a Sophomore at Freedom High School. Pratha is involved in Red Cross club and Educators Rising.
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