Spirit Week Day 3: Dress extravagant for derby day

Sophomore Claire Jarwa goes all out with her floral dress and flouncy hat for Derby Day.

On April 24, the third day of prom spirit week, students donned flouncy hats, sharp suits and lovely dresses for derby day. For the biggest horse race in the sport, the Kentucky Derby, bright colors and huge hats were used to express the southern belle culture. Now, the tradition continues as a good luck charm to those who wear the pieces.

“It is fun to see everyone who dressed up and see what they were on derby day,” said freshman Jayme Matayas. “Even seeing the teachers who participated with everyone looking great.”

Sophomores are still winning with 3350 spirit points and seniors are in a close second with 3093 points. Juniors scored 3077 points and Freshman 2882 points. Keep showing your style and having fun during college and career day tomorrow!

Will Mosier sports a bright colored dress shirt to show his school spirit.

Sophomore Maya Farly and juniors Jay Beam and Jordan Pastro dress up to earn spirit points and have fun on derby day.

Morgan Pugh dresses up for derby day in a blue floral shirt.

A preppy style is perfect for Derby Day as shown by sophomore Ruby Hunsaker.

Sophomore Abby Doyle and junior Abby Knowles dress up for derby day.

Junior Avery Keefy looks sharp in a classy black suit.

Freshman Jayme Matayas wears a rose dress for derby day. Fun Fact: dresses with rose patterns were worn to symbolize the blanket of over 400 roses given to the winning horse.

About the Author

Madison Roney is a Junior at Freedom High School in South Riding. Madison is involved in Battle of the Books, National Art Honors Society, and FELT at Freedom.
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