During the weekend of April 5-7, the Freedom High School Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club attended and competed at the annual State Leadership Conference (SLC). Twelve FBLA students had moved on from the regional competition, each in different events, and spent three days in Reston attending leadership workshops. They competed in their events and listened to different keynote speakers, most of which were motivational speakers or entrepreneurs from around Virginia.
In addition to competing, FHS FBLA vice president Will Holt had a different objective: retain his position as Virginia FBLA vice president at large. He prepared a speech and had to present it to the whole conference, and then on Saturday morning selected voters made their choices for each of the offices. Holt won the election and was re-elected as vice president, and has gained many valuable skills and experiences from it.
Freedom FBLA Vice President Will Holt with Mrs. Frey and Mr. Cunningham after winning his State Vice President nomination.
“[One of the best parts of FBLA] is getting closer with my state officer team,” Holt said. “I have made many memories and gained friends from my experiences as an officer.”
Holt has been part of FBLA since the very beginning of his high school career because of his mom’s involvement with the club.
“My mom has been bringing me to competitions and conferences since I was really young, so FBLA has really become a large part of my life,” Holt said.
Junior Grace Kim competed over the weekend in a test event, Business Communication. She took home first place in her event and is moving onto the National Leadership Conference (NLC) during the summer. This was her second year in FBLA, and she found SLC to be a super valuable experience.
“It was great having the opportunity to be surrounded by people from all over Virginia who have the same passion and interests as I do,” Kim said. “It made me feel a strong sense of community and connection with FBLA.”
Five out of 12 FHS competitors will be moving onto NLC in San Antonio, Texas in late June.