Around Loudoun County, there are many people getting ready for the Spooky Season – ahh!!! There are decorated houses ranging from a simple pumpkin on the front steps to multiple blow-up decorations in the front yard. Everyone decorates in their own funny, unique, cool, silly ways, and it is fun to see. They might have a plain pumpkin, or a pumpkin carved into a scary monster, a silly pumpkin that’s painted and dressed like a minion, or a gory, sick pumpkin with the seeds and gunk from the pumpkin coming out of the carved mouth as if it is vomit. No matter if it is just a plain pumpkin or if they get into carving a really unique jack-o-lantern, it is interesting to see how everyone decorates.
Some people have blown up decorations like a blow-up scarecrow, Halloween Sponge-bob, black cat or skull. Other decorations can be a lit up ghost or a humongous Frankenstein or just a plain blown up pumpkin. Some people put out animated characters that talk in scary voices when you walk near them or witches that look like they are flying out of the trees. Other houses have projectors and DVD tapes that show movies on the house or fog coming out into a hand-built cemetery or dolls rocking on chairs or boxes that make scary noises. It’s October, Halloween is coming, and people are busy getting ready for the Spooky Season!