Freshman Class President:
Being freshman class president is Sam Yousef’s first experience with being part of a school leadership position.

Sam Yousef, the freshman class president, describes his goals for his class. He wants to make this first year memorable.
He wanted to see how the school ran and gain the experience of being a class officer, and now he’s determined to make a good impression.
“I want to make an impression that I’m a responsible and respectful person,” Yousef said. “The kids of the grade should be happy they choose me as their president.”
Yousef is working towards making this year the best one yet for his class, and he plans on doing so by listening to the comments and complaints of his peers.
“My favorite thing about being class officer is that I am involved in what decisions are made with our grade,” Yousef said.
His goals for this year include winning a pep rally and making his freshman year a memorable one.
Sophomore Class President:

Alex McMillan, the sophomore class president, doodles his goals for his class, to emphasize the hype of the class of 2021.
Sophomore class president, Alex McMillan, has had an interest in politics since fourth grade, but this year he had a special reason for running.
“My grandpa was always one of my biggest supporters and when he passed away a few years ago, I knew that I had to reach my goal for him,” McMillan said.
McMillan has always wanted to be a class leader, and he knew he could accomplish that through becoming president. He’s most excited to lead pep rallies and get involved with his grade’s activities.
“I want to unify the class as a whole by spreading positivity and class spirit,” McMillan said.
In addition, his goals for this year included winning the homecoming hallway competition, and earning the most spirit points possible. They ended up getting second for the hallway competition, getting edged out of first by the seniors by just a few points.
Junior Class President:
For Ben Vieson, the junior class president, the 2018-2019 school year marked his first time being a class

Ben Vieson, the junior class president, draws him and his fellow peers along with writing out some of his goals for this year.
“I really wanted junior year to be the best it could be,” Vieson said. “So I figured I would run and try my best.”
One of the most daunting tasks for Vieson this year is prom. He acknowledged that last year’s junior class president, Lara Arif, did an amazing job, and he feels that he has a lot to live up to. But Vieson is still following through with his mission to make this year great, and he aims to rally everyone together and boost the class spirit. He’s already loving all the aspects of being president for the class of 2020, and every moment of leading his grade.
“Personally pep rallies have been a lot more fun, and trying to build hype and get the class to care is just incredible,” Vieson said.
Senior Class President:
Unlike the other presidents, senior class president Lara Arif has been a class officer for her entire high school career. She was class historian her freshman year, and has been president since.
“I am currently the only person who has been in office for four years,” Arif said.

Senior class president Lara Arif lists her goals for the class of 2019, and then thanks her class and signs off.
One of Arif’s favorite parts of being president is leading her class in pep rallies and seeing everyone’s reactions when the class wins a game.
“There is no better feeling than when they call the four presidents to the middle and hand me the spirit stick,” Arif said.
Because of her unique opportunity to be an officer for four years, Arif has had the chance to watch each previous senior class graduate and see the legacy that they’ve left behind, and it’s her goal to make sure that her class leaves a legacy of its own.
“This year I really want to make sure the seniors appreciate every last and embrace every first,” Arif said. “I want to make it an unforgettable year for the 2019 class and FHS community.”