Indy students thoughts on the new hybrid

Around 30% of Independence students chose to do hybrid learning. Hybrid students have been going in two days a week, but that’s about to change. Starting with the fourth quarter, all hybrid students will be going in four days a week. Here are some Indy students’ thoughts on the new model. 

How has hybrid learning been going so far?

Anne Zerkle (senior): “Hybrid learning is going great so far. I love seeing my teachers that I had last year and the ones I have this year. It’s definitely not the same, no one is walking the halls, and the classrooms and cafeteria are set up differently, but everyone is still trying to make the best out of the situation at hand.”

Grace Gorham (junior): “Hybrid learning has been pretty good — I was just happy to be back in the building and around other people.”

Braden Sturman (sophomore): “Hybrid has been great. I was so used to the computer screen that I was hesitant about going back at first, but once I was back in the school, I couldn’t imagine doing distance. I’m able to get to know my teachers better and see my friends; what I love the most is not looking at a computer screen all day.”

Zoe Wood (freshman): “Hybrid learning has been going good, though at some points it is lonely. For example, in one of my classes I am the only student in person on one of the days. The lunch room is also a bit lonely at points.”

How have you dealt with wearing a mask all day?

Zerkle: “Honestly, I have gotten used to wearing the mask in public places. So wearing the mask around school all day hasn’t been a struggle for me. However, for sports we have to wear a mask which is definitely a struggle physically.”

Gorham: “The masks do get frustrating, but it’s definitely something I’ve gotten used to outside of school.”

Sturman: “Wearing a mask all day is kind of a pain, but at the end of the day I’m just glad I’m back in the building. At lunch you can take your mask off, so I can get a breather there. However, wearing a mask is not that bad.”

Wood: “I have dealt with wearing a mask all day because I’ve grown accustomed to it, and don’t mind it anymore.”

Are you comfortable with going back four days a week? How will you have to adjust?

Zerkle: “Yes, I am comfortable going in four times a week. It’s definitely going to be a challenge getting myself up in the mornings, and actually wearing something other than pajamas, but it will get me back in a routine.”

Gorham: “I am comfortable going back four days a week, but it will definitely be an adjustment. Waking up earlier and actually being productive all day is the biggest adjustment for me.”

Sturman: “Yes, I am comfortable with going back four days a week. I’ve always wanted to be back at school all week since the beginning of this year, so I was disappointed when we were all online. I’m looking forward to being back four days, because now I can get back to what it was like pre-COVID. Of course there will be an adjustment, but I’m just looking forward to being back  four days.”

Wood: “I am very excited to go back to school four days a week. I have to increase how many days a week I will wear a face mask during school, but in my opinion that is a small price to pay for seeing people.”

Will you miss distance learning?

Zerkle: “Yes and no. It was definitely nice sitting on my couch during class, but going hybrid allowed me to interact with people again and get into a schedule.” 

Gorham: “I actually do think I’ll miss distance learning. There are times I enjoy being able to do school on my couch or being able to multitask, but ultimately it’s important that I get back in the building and create that routine for myself.”

Sturman: “I will not miss distance learning. There are some things that were nice about distance learning, but I hated looking at a computer screen all day. I’m glad that I’m able to be back in the school building, walk the halls, talk to people and just get off technology.” 

Wood: “I think I will miss some parts of distance learning, like having more free time, flexibility and not having to wear a mask all day.”

Do you feel that you are getting more face-to-face contact even with the masks and shields around the desks?

Zerkle: “Yes, the teachers are doing an amazing job with making sure that the students who go into school are having the best experience, while engaging with the other classmates online. Some of my teachers stand up and teach rather than sitting at their desk all day which really gives us the feel of a regular day in school.”

Gorham: “For sure — I get to talk and interact with other students, as well as my teachers, which is very beneficial.”

Sturman: “In some classes I do. There are some classes where the teachers mainly talk to the online students and I’m just listening in. Luckily, in the majority of my classes, I’m getting that face to face contact that is helping me learn better than on a computer screen. I personally don’t think that wearing a mask hinders my conversations with my teachers, so I can still talk and hear even with my mask on. The shields are a little annoying. It’s hard to see through them, and it’s blurry. However they don’t disrupt the lesson that the teacher is displaying on the board, I can still view the information.”

Wood: “Yes, I do feel like I am getting more face to face time even with the shields and masks.”

Do you think the environment at Indy will change due to all students going in on the same day?

Zerkle: “Yes, because friends who couldn’t see each other due to the different schedules can now talk and see each other. Also I think that it will give students a feel of what school is like without all the masks, plastic shields etc.” 

Gorham: “I think that’s definitely a possibility, but the environment right now is already so different than it usually is with every student in the building. With more students, there’s more interaction and a sense of normalcy.”

Sturman: “I do think the environment will change at Indy once everyone is back four days. I’m looking forward to that, because I haven’t had much social interaction since the pandemic began, so I’m looking forward to just talking to people.”

Wood: “I think it will change, all the students will be more upbeat because they get to see more of their friends, and I am most definitely excited to see more people around the school.”

Although the schedule isn’t fully back to normal, the hybrid students are still thrilled to be able to get back to a little bit of normalcy. Even with the many COVID-19 precautions, the students are still getting off of their computers and back into the classroom. 

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