Everyday is a holiday: April

Life doesn’t seem all that bad when every day is a holiday. Holiday Insights has a list of holidays for every day, and most of them are shown on this calendar. Below are descriptions about some of the most interesting holidays.

All is Ours Day: This is a day to do whatever your heart desires (within reason). Emphasizing the word “ours” in the title, this day isn’t just for yourself: it’s for everyone. After all, many great things come out of sharing.

Name Yourself Day: This is just a fun little day to give yourself a new name. If you ever wanted to try out a nickname, this day is the day to do it. 

Patriot’s Day: This holiday is more relevant in the New England area. It is a day to celebrate the American Revolution and the patriots who fought for America’s independence. It specifically commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord, which was the battle that kickstarted the American Revolution.

Earth Day: U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (Wis.) wanted to have a National Earth day to bring attention to environmental concerns. On Apr 22, 1970, Nelson led an environmental protest to force people to pay attention to these environmental issues and to move away from harmful environmental practices. The protest was well-received and the day eventually became a national holiday, fulfilling Nelson’s request.

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