Tag Archives: #bitmoji



  1. ) How many posts did you write and publish during the eight weeks?


I wrote and published seven instead of eight posts during the eight weeks because my class was busy during week six of the Student Blogging Challenge. I enjoyed how I was able to look at my friends’ blogs and comment on their posts. I got a kick out of it whenever I would look at what my best friend blogged about. It was engaging to look at the different writing styles & blog formats as well. You had contemporary & modern blogs, but also playful & quirky blogs. You could definitely tell that the blogger’s personality was shining through their blog, and that’s what I appreciated the most about the Student Blogging Challenge.

2.) How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors?



I received 16 comments. I don’t recall how many comments I got from them alone, but I know that I got 16 altogether. I was a little bit disappointed, if I had to be honest, about my lack of comments on my blog. At first I thought it was the title of my blog (“The Political Junkie”). Maybe some were a bit taken aback by it, and decided not to comment on it. Then, I thought it was about the style of my writing. Did I not add enough details? Should I have made it less lengthy? But at the end, this whole experience made me realize that even though I didn’t get a lot of comments, I shared my writing online, with people around the world. Because of participating in the Student Blogging Challenge, I feel less nervous with sharing my writing with others. I could’ve never imagined that would happen in the beginning of the school year.

3.) Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?



I enjoyed writing the week 5 post about music because my love for music goes very deep. Music has helped me in ways that I never imagined it would do. Whenever I’m feeling sad, it helps me get out of that hole that I dug myself in. Whenever I’m feeling ecstatic, I’ll put on some high energy music, and dance in my room. Writing about something that I love, and getting to share it with people all over the world.

4.) Which web tools did you use to showcase your creativity in your blogging?



I used a bunch of web tools, but the one I liked the most would have to be the avatar. I used a bitmoji and another website that was provided. I liked the bitmoji a little bit more because it portrayed me more effectively. Personally, I thought that my bitmoji was quirky & relatable like me, yet also a food junkie, and a person with absurd humor. I also enjoyed the avatar that I created. It portrayed me accurately as well, with the purple dress, and the boxy camera. However, I find my bitmoji is a bit more comical

5.) What are your plans for your future blogging?
I would love to continue blogging, only because it’s helped me get out of my shell, and share my writing with others. However, I would not like to participate in a Student Blogging Challenge again. When I first decided to start my blog, I was so excited, sharing my political opinions with people all over the world, and maybe even helping them? But, I wasn’t able to do that. I really hope that if we continue blogging, we can blog about what we wanted to blog in the first place (e.g. politics for me).