Sketchbook 4.2

A sketchbook featuring the fabulous Emily Nguyen making me look like a clown in her own style multiple times. Her background inspired me to make a messy, simple sketchbook. It’s a spread for my 4th artwork that will be about the memory of me jumping the park fence with my family. We did it all the time in the colder season of the year and then we would race to the swing set. I hope I can execute this idea well and that it portrays my emotions about that memory.


  1. 1042404 Reply

    The incorporation of the sticky notes is really cool, I like how the strips of paper complement the doodles. How do the sketches relate your concept of the park fence?
    – Megan


    Wowowow I feel honored to be a part of your sketchbook lolol. I’m looking forward to see a loose style in your next artwork. Show me your progress already slowpoke xD

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