Use the help☀️

When I first got my camera, I was so into only doing everything manually and not using any of the helpful things my camera had built in to help with lighting. I realized that those features are there for a reason and I should really try to use them. Here in this photo I used…

Rooster 🐓

I really like taking pictures of animals, but they always run away or move around to much. I was really lucky to get this shot of this rooster that didn’t care if anyone got too close to him. I did have to use my furthest lens and zoom in as far as I could to…

Be Careful🚫

I love taking photos of animals, but sometimes they are not very cooperative. I went to Key West last Spring Break and wanted a picture of this flamingo, but it didn’t like the sound of the camera or something and came at me. The photos I got didn’t turn out the best because I was…