Posted in Rant Time

Do we need a reminder of the rules???

Simon says…If you do something against another human you deserved to be called out. That is That. Honestly the fact that Hollywood and Congress are being “attacked” by all of these allegations isn’t shocking at all. The whole situation is like thinking that if there is a leak in the house and you ignore it will go away, but in reality, it only gets worse and bigger over time. Didn’t everyone learn in like preschool keeps your hands to yourself??? It’s disgusting what ANYONE in a place of power thinks they can do. I say Anyone because there have been accusations against females as well as males, though the majority have been men.

Though it seems like the end of the world there are communities and activist groups that are standing up for equality in Hollywood and in the workplace. A large community that has been supporting equality and fighting against sexual harassment/assault are drag queens. Drag queens are seen as women impersonators though over the last years they have evolved to become more of an art statement and a political statement. Also, drag queens have a huge online presence nowadays and they are using their influence to condemn those who have to seem to forget the rules of keeping your hands to your self.


Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing break

Posted in About me

A polar Bear in snow and magic?

Simon Says…deciding what to blog about is pretty difficult especially when you are asked to write about something you are passionate about. Don’t get me wrong I’m a passionate person with a ton of passions, but the moment you ask me to sit down and tell the world about them my brain decides to make them into a polar bear in a snow storm… non-existent. Luckily, I am smarter than my brain! I decided not to think about it and, like magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, my passions suddenly appeared. TA-DA! So, what did I, the Sensational Simon, pull out of my hat? Well, my magic is so amazing that I pulled out not one but three rabbits:



and Drag Queens.

Unlike magicians though, I’m going to reveal all of my secrets on these topics. Why should I keep the enjoyment of my passions to myself? That’s just selfish and also this is an assignment so I don’t really have a choice in telling you.