School is becoming a pain

I have nothing to write about today. I’m so mentally drained and tired that I feel i’m in a lonely simulation, just some one quietly going through the daily motions and wishing for the same thing every week, the end of it. Obviously, this is super depression, but school just isn’t as interesting anymore. It’s annoying! I miss elementary school, we’d have field day with popsicles and fun, even middle school was exciting since everyone was rowdy. Now studying and stress have engulfed us. So what is our saving grace?

Spring Break.

I am so excited for spring break. Relaxation, cleaning, reading, painting, sight seeing, all in one week. Maybe i’m insane, but i actually like cleaning. It can be a pain, but the end result is so satisfying and cleansing. I’ve always loved reading about new subjects, I can even watch a documentary if I really want to multitask. Drawing and painting has always been a passion, so now that it’s a little nicer outside, I can go out and paint the trees and the flowers. This weekend, i’m going to New York and will be able to stop by Times Square to look around.

Not only that, but i’m gonna try and work ahead. I have to order my supplies for a science project I have due in June, I have to take my drivers permit test, work on JLabs (such a pain but it’s worth it), and plan my sweet 16 (it’s supposed to be a quince, but life happened y’know?). My hopes are up for this spring break. It will be filled with things to do, but I think it will really lift my spirits and break me out of the slow, dull, school life.

2 thoughts on “School is becoming a pain

  1. I could not agree anymore like school has actually become a pain and everyone is always worried about their class work and it can really suck like let us live a little!

    1. Exactly! Especially since SOLs and AP testing is around the corner, some teachers are going bonkers with the work and it feels like they don’t really think about the students and their other work in classes.

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