Best SoundCloud Rapper

The Best SoundCloud Rapper 

As I was scrolling through SoundCloud, a daily part of my day, I came across an amazing rapper. Coming out of Rockledge, Florida is Lil Edge. He is very underground and underrated, averaging only about 20.1 thousand plays. There are three main reasons that I feel like he can become an elite rapper, all he is missing is the sound quality in exclusive studios.

#1 – Constant Flow, Edge never stops in any of his songs, changes flow easily and quickly. He shows this in many songs.

#2 – Clever lyrics, Lil Edge has arguably son of the best most clever rhyming skills I have ever heard. You never would guess any of his lines.

#3 – Diverse beats, Edge has the biblty to rap on many different styles of beats, hardcore and more melodic.


Go give him a listen on Soundcloud.

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