April 13th, 2042, the ships were prepared for takeoff to the colonies on mars. It was my first mission into space. I was so nervous and excited as I checked the safety systems. All systems were a go. The countdown began, and I began to brace myself. Three, two, one! The two ships around us took off, but ours didn’t. We tried and tried but it just wouldn’t take off! We heard a rumble from the ship, and it started to take off! Five seconds later we heard the engines turn off,and we were falling back to earth!
Liz, I enjoyed your story. I really felt for the main character, on their first mission, as things did not go to plan. Thank you.
Congratulations on your response to this week’s challenge Liz. I love that you wrote so far into the future. Your careful choice of vocabulary meant I felt the excitement, and frustration, of the character. The use of different types of sentences made your writing interesting to read. Thank you for your accurate punctuation which makes your writing easy to read.😊