This 100 word challenge is about the picture below. A long time ago an unnamed city stood proudly where the ocean now is. Wherever there is water on earth there used to be a city or town. This is according to an old man who used to live in this watchtower that is now on land. Many interviews with the man back in the 1500’s said that he was the last of his kind, it also says that he said that the ocean floor rose and the land fell. The tower was one of the very few watch towers that lived in the ocean but is the only tower to survive the transition of the Earth. I hope you enjoyed the story and please leave a comment with your link to your blog. Have a good day/night!
Your tale is so believable. I can imagine listening to the old man recount the history from his perspective. I especially like the way your phrase: ‘the land fell’ sounds. Keep writing.
Mrs. G., Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA