The Work I Have Done with PBS

So my school’s journalism program has been working with PBS NewsHour through their Student Reporting Labs (SRL) Programs.  Three other students and I and been working them to produce feature stories. We have been partnered with them since November and it has been an amazing experience. While I will talk about that a bit more in another post, it has been super exciting the last couple of days so I wanted to tell you a little bit about that.

We have been working on a video feature story for a while now about this program called Code to the Future, which is available in three different Loudoun County elementary schools. While we are still waiting to find out if it will be made on PBS NewsHour, but it is on their website!

We also worked with them on Wednesday, March 14th to cover the Nationwide School Walkouts, which took place at my school and many others across the county. Our footage along with 15 other schools nationwide, was made into a 2-minute video and put on many different social media platforms.

It’s been such a cool experience, and while definitely stressful at times I am so proud of what we have accomplished!

Check out the feature story I helped produce! 

Check out the Nationwide Student Walkout news story I helped to film!