Broadway Musical Songs Quiz: Finish the Lyrics!

Hello, my fellow theatre geeks! Nature Nerd here. Music is great. It can make you feel happy, sad, excited, like you want to dance, goofy, or like you feel like smashing all the furniture in your room. But please don’t do that. Plato once said that, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” I believe is true, because music can make people feel alive and make them want to dance. As a theatre geek, I am always up for dancing.

 My favorite kinds of music are soundtracks. I listen to soundtracks all the time, whether it is from a Disney movie or from a Broadway show. This is why I have created the ultimate “Finish the Lyrics” Broadway musical song quiz on a website called “”. Do you have what it takes to get all of them right? Let’s find out. Click on the image to get to the quiz or use this link:


Tell me, what was your score? Also, what was your favorite musical that appeared on the quiz. Let me know in the comments below. I always want to know what you guys think. Keep listening, grooving, and singing to music. Music can reduce stress, improve memory, and ease pain. Thank you for reading, now I should get rolling. Nerd out! 😛

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