Poetic Book Buzz of Livia Blackburne’s Midnight Thief By Chloe

Poetic Book Buzz of Livia Blackburne’s Midnight Thief                by Chloe Park – Brambleton Middle School   Kyra… She’s small, but don’t underestimate what’s beneath the surface She steals, but don’t judge before you understand She might not have much, but when the moon comes up at night the shadows welcome her home She’s silent,…

Ziad Ahmed by Elizabeth

Ziad Ahmed’s response to a question asking, “What matters to you, and why?” on a Stanford application sheet, Ziad Ahmed wrote “#BlackLivesMatter” 100 times on his application sheet. “The hashtag conveys my frustration with the failure of judicial system to protect the black community from violence, systemic injustice, and political disenfranchisement.” says Ziad. A couple…

Who’s to Blame? By Samantha C.

Persuasive Essay: Thomas Hutchinson Loyalty!  Loyalty is where people are supporting someone or something.  The colonies should be faithful to the Mother England! The Mother Country brought life to the colonies, and helped them fight their battles.  After the Mother Country helped them so much, they decide to turn on the Crown and start mocking the…