Why Do I Exist by Ella

Why do I exist
by Ella

I try so hard to get good grades
D’s F’s C’s
Why do I exist
A’s and B’s are legendary to get
Never got more than one
Why do I exist
My only friend bosses me around
I can’t ever make my opinion matter
My voice is stuck under a rock
Why do I exist
All that passes and I move from one state to the other
I have no friends
I’m alone
Why am I still existing
I met someone, and they seem friendly
I can finally have a friend
This time I take control of myself
I have a reason to exist
The end of the school year comes
I have to move again
There are so many friends that I made
I don’t have a reason to exist
I moved away
With all my memories left behind
Why do I exist.




  1. Wow, Ella! This poem packs a punch. I like your straightforward, raw style of writing. My favorite line is “My voice is stuck under a rock.” You convey deep meaning in just a few words. I can’t wait to see what you write next!

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