First Blog Post of 2020: Compare & Contrast

Hello everyone and happy 2020! Sadly, break is over and we are back to the grind at school. On a brighter note, we spent the majority of class this morning interviewing one another. I already knew a lot about my classmates from communications, but this activity has definitely helped me learn and deepened my knowledge about them and their lives. 

A big trend that I found while interviewing my class was that almost everyone has at least one sibling, with the exception of Brie, who has eight siblings and Risad, who is an only child.  A lot of my classmates enjoy writing in their free time and enjoy drawing. Zoran likes to play games, Emma G. likes to make memes, and Abby and Melia like to play on their phones. Our class also includes a few athletes! Brie is a soccer player, Melia is in the color guard, Abby does cheerleading, Emma is a dancer, Makayla is a swimmer, and I play basketball. The most favorited color in my class is blue. There is a variety of favorite types of music in our class. Makayla likes heavy metal/ rock, Abby likes rap music, Kylie and Emma like theater music, and Melia doesn’t’ have a favorite, she enjoys listening to all genres. Not going to lie, my heart shattered a little when no one said country was their favorite :’(.  *Drumroll please*, the thing we have all been waiting for, the most favorited and loved meme of this decade according to my communications class was the Area 51 Raid

All of us in communications are very similar, but we also have our differences and varied preferences. One thing is for sure, we’re all gifted writers and have an ability to be very creative and problem solving. I liked this “speed-dating” activity. It helped me know my communications friends way better and I feel like I’m closer to them now. Until next time, peeps! Like always, comment on this post to give me feedback on what I should post about next, or what you think I could improve on! See you in another blog post coming soon! 


-Anna Claire